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International Art Therapy Courses

The College for Educational and Clinical Art Therapy offers a variety of ways for students around the world to participate in our international study program. Whether you are interested in our 100% online art therapy course or would like to join us for a face-to-face 5-Day Intensive in one of the capital cities in Australia after completing your 10 modules at home, you’ll find flexible options to help you meet your goals.

You’ll find all the details you need below. Use the Quicklinks to jump between sections.

3-Day Diploma Intensive in Paris

3-Day Diploma Intensive in Paris 2024
28-30 June 2024

Three Intensives in Kuala Lumpur

Three Intensives in Kuala Lumpur
8-17 February 2025

Art Therapy in Your Own Language?

Is your mother tongue German, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi or Arabic? You can now study art therapy in your own language!

Distance Learning & Flexible Study

Wherever you live, you can study with us and graduate from the College for Educational and Clinical Art Therapy with a certified qualification or diploma.

Fit your Studies Around your Lifestyle

Would you like to acquire the skills that will further develop or even transform your career? Are you interested in delving into the professional field of art therapy which will inspire and motivate you? Do you need to fit your studies around a busy and demanding lifestyle? CECAT offers the flexibility, study materials, learning support and skills that will help you to achieve your goals.

How to Study

Your art therapy studies with CECAT will provide a challenging, stimulating and rewarding experience. Our adaptable approach offers you a choice of study options. You can study face-to-face or by distance; regardless of where in the world you live, you can combine work and lifestyle with your studies.

Study Materials

Your studies will employ a blend of learning materials and online resources which are all designed to promote active learning with effective results. These materials are specifically created by the College for Educational and Clinical Art Therapy to provide educational direction for in-depth understanding, personal experience and the certified practice of art therapy.

Study at Home with Personal Tuition

The College for Educational and Clinical Art Therapy does not just send you lessons. Art Therapy cannot be learned by simply reading books or studying your modules. We provide the individual contact with our internationally acclaimed expert lecturer that is essential for a deeper understanding and a complete learning experience.

CECAT has a long and very successful track record of online art therapy education. We are the first international institution to offer a certified course through distance education. We collaborate with prestigious independent teaching institutions worldwide to offer an educational program that goes far beyond general distance learning. Our online program is individually tailored to meet each student’s needs and elicits first-class learning results. Personal tuition with registered art therapist, Robert Gray guarantees a profound education in art therapy.

Originally from Germany, Robert is also a registered psychologist and has lived in Australia for nearly 20 years. He ensures our students receive an evidence-based training program that reaches out to the wisdom of other countries, languages, cultures, and art therapy communities around the globe.

Worldwide Art Therapy Online Courses

Our Art Therapy courses are available to anyone in the world. We have provided distance education to art therapy students from Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, China, Mongolia, Nepal, India, Pakistan, United Arabic Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mauritius, Russian Federation, Poland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Great Britain, Canada, United States of America, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

Wherever you live in the world—Latin America, North America, Asia, Europe or Africa—please download and return the art therapy registration form along with your payment. Get ready to begin your path to becoming an art therapist. We look forward to educating you in the benefits of Art Therapy and meeting you face-to-face (via Zoom) wherever you may live.

Course Details

CECAT has designed this inspiring distance education package to provide greater flexibility for international art therapy students, who choose to study entirely through distance education. Students receive each of the online modules via email (course content and syllabus) and are then contacted for one-on-one discussions of the module’s content via Zoom. This enables students to study at their own pace and without having to attend the intensive on-campus program.

Art Therapy Certificate Course

10 online modules, plus 10 Zoom sessions

Art Therapy Diploma Course

5 additional online modules, plus 5 Zoom sessions

An increasing number of international students choose to attend the intensive on-campus program if they’re able to travel to Australia, instead of meeting through Zoom.

Equipment Needed

You need a computer with internet access, a headset and a webcam. Many computers have a webcam and microphone already installed.

Currently, the best software for online video conferencing is Zoom. Sign up for free here:

Don’t miss out. Book your spot today!

Course Fees

We highly recommend that all our students participate in the on-campus Intensives. However, for international students unable to get to an Intensive in an Australian city, our courses can be completed entirely online.

All fees are in Australian dollars and are inclusive of GST.

Clicking the “Enrol Now” buttons will take you to our virtual learning college where you can process your enrolment on our secure payment platform.


A good solid professional education costs money. Be wary of courses that are too cheap. Since COVID-19, the Internet has become bloated with online courses but the quality of many of those courses is alarming.We have an ethical obligation to deliver an education that keeps our clients safe and that upholds the standard of our profession. I am concerned that many of these online courses may produce clinicians who have no practical understanding or skill in the application of art therapy.Working as a psychotherapist is a highly skilful profession that requires a solid theoretical background married with professional guidance from an expert. This is the reason we offer on-campus Intensives (or Zoom meetings for those who cannot attend an Intensive).Please be careful of offers for Certificate and Diploma Courses in Art Therapy that are cheap and offer no personal tuition. You get what you pay for.

Introduction Course

If you’re able to travel to Australia, we highly recommend incorporating the 2-Day Intensive into your studies. If you’re not able to visit Australia, you can do the Introduction Course entirely online.

Introductory Intensive $480

Introductory 2-Day Intensive

2-Day Intensive on Campus
Introduction Course $99


Introduction Module

2-Day Introductory Intensive in Kuala Lumpur

8-9 February 2025

Certificate Course

If you’re able to travel to Australia, we highly recommend incorporating the 5-Day Intensive into your studies. If you’re not able to visit Australia, you can do the Certificate Course entirely online.

Certificate Bundle $4800

Certificate Course
+ 5-Day Intensive

Course Material: 10 Modules
On-campus Intensive: 5 Days
Certificate Course $3600

Certificate Course Only

Course Material: 10 Modules
(Zoom sessions can be added later)

Certificate 5-Day Intensive in Kuala Lumpur 2025

We’re hosting our Certificate 5-Day Intensive in Kuala Lumpur: 10-14 February 2025

Diploma Course

If you’re able to travel to Australia or Paris (in June 2024), we highly recommend incorporating the 3-Day Intensive into your studies. If you’re not able to visit Australia, you can do the Diploma Course entirely online.

Diploma Bundle $2400

Diploma Course
+ 3-Day Intensive

Course Material: 5 Modules
On-campus Intensive: 3 Days
Diploma Course $1800

Diploma Course Only

Course Material: 5 Modules
(Zoom sessions can be added later)

Diploma 3-Day Intensive in Kuala Lumpur 2025

We’re hosting our Diploma 3-Day Intensive in Kuala Lumpur: 15-17 February 2025

Course Video Addons

Would you like to get an inside peep into how Rob Gray applies the many techniques taught in the Certificate Course and Diploma Course in real life therapy sessions?

This professionally-made video material will benefit all students seeking to learn and improve their skills from observing practical demonstration.

Click an image below to find out more.

Certificate Course Videos

Include this Addon with the Certificate Course

Diploma Course Videos

Include this Addon with the Diploma Course

Zoom Addon Sessions

If you’re unable to get to attend an Intensive in Australia, please make sure you add the relevant Zoom sessions to your online course selection.

For instance, if you’ve selected the Certificate Course, please include the 10 Hours of Zoom Meetings with your order. If you’ve selected the Diploma Course, please include the 5 Hours of Zoom Meetings with your order.

This is the recommended pathway for the serious student seeking a comprehensive education.

On-Campus Intensive Cancellations

Within 4 week or more notice: full fee is transferable to other course for use within 12 months.

Less than 4 weeks or more notice: full fee is forfeited. We are not overly strict on this point, especially now in light of the Coronavirus. If you are sick, stay at home! Your booking will be transferred to the next available course.

Note: If Robert Gray can’t attend due to unforeseen circumstances, we’ll reschedule your on-campus course to the next course available. With regrets, there are no refunds given.

Study Art Therapy Online

Start anytime, from anywhere in the world and at your own pace.

Deborah Devaal
Practising Artist

James Martin
Social Work and Creative Arts Coordinator

Alix Bilton
Registered Psychologist, Art Therapist
RAAF Reservist (Psychologist)

Start anytime, from anywhere in the world and at your own pace.

Registration Form

Once we receive your Registration Form and your payment, you will be enrolled into the online Art Therapy Course. Please inform us of your payment via email.

You will then receive an email confirmation of your enrolment, followed by the 10 or 5 modules (for the Certificate or Diploma Course respectively) and arrangements for a one-on-one session time via Zoom.

The College for Educational and Clinical Art Therapy offers a variety of ways for students in rural Australia and around the world to participate in our online study program. Whether you are interested in our 100% online art therapy course or would like to join us for a face-to-face introduction, a 5-Day or 3-Day Intensive Program in one of the capital cities in Australia, you will find flexible options to help you meet your goals.

Get in Touch Today!

Ready to register for an art therapy course? Register today!

If you have any questions, please get in touch via the contact form. To see all we offer, return to the homepage.

Interested in Art Therapy in Your Own Language?

Suchen Sie nach Online-Kunsttherapie-Kursen? In Ihrer eigenen Sprache?

¿Buscas cursos de arteterapia en línea? ¿En tu propio idioma?

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